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Our tailored operational management and scheduling systems for mining and power station operators offer support when making decisions regarding the flexibility, efficiency and cost optimisation of production operations. We access the most diverse information sources for development – from current and historical process values, tabular specifications, database information, through to the satellite-guided recording of position data for large-scale equipment.
We are actively involved with many industries that operate within the mining and power station sectors, and we make it our mission to integrate the hugely diverse interests of our customers into one effective overarching concept.
Automatic and interactive components for the recording, modification, assessment and visualisation of relevant operating and disruption and/or downtime events, as well as performance and consumption data
Forecasting of own energy consumption at the individual production sites, starting with the planning of excavation quantities and operational setups
3D modelling in opencast mining:
Provisioning of the most diverse technological specifications with a holistic consideration of the entire supply process:
Execution of various mining projects at a mining site; Modules:
Andreas Schmidt
T. +49 30 42188-653
F. +49 30 2315467
Mirko Wiedelmann
T. +49 30 42188-749
F. +49 30 2315467
Storkower Str. 115a, 10407 Berlin
Our engineers execute sophisticated projects within the automation for mining operators, as well as for many other sectors:
Energy industry Testing automation Water & waste water Building automation